Version 0.42 (18. Februar 1996), Tomi Engel ClassEditor

This editor allows you to modify class definitions on a per-method basis. In addition to offering a method browser it will make it very simple to keep the documentation in sync with your code. Both elements are shown side by side.

ScreenshotThe ideal situation would be to maintain a documentation file from the first moment since creating a new class or method. ClassEditor is able to create the docu templates for you and helps maintaining them in a NeXT conform layout.

ClassEditor opens a set of MyClass.m, MyClass.h and MyClass.rtf files and displays them. You can edit and view the class on a per-method basis or see all three files at once inside the "cheat window". Modifying existing classes that are not spread across more then those three files is quite safe. Adding methods is possible from inside the "cheat window" but introduces some rough edges.

Package Download

The application is available for download in the following packages:

Version Release 0.42
Read Me
(2 kB)
  • NeXT
  • Intel
  • Sparc
  • HP-PA
(780 kB)
Documentation included with the binary
(198 kB)
License ObjectFarm Public License

Since our server might not be the fastest, we encourage you to search for the files in some of the well known archives if necessary. We recommend: (Germany), (Germany) and (USA). In addition to that we would like to point you to the stepwise softrak service which can direct you to other interesting applications.

Future development

We do not plan any future releases of this application but instead would like to migrate some of the concepts and ideas to a new development tool which should support more languages and a dynamic browsing approach. Since our world is already crowded with programming tools we will first wait and see ... until we can not bare to wait any longer.
