(28. Dec. 2002)
Kohola in the rack
Our little Beluga was getting tired and old and so we decided that a new Xserve named Kohola, the humpback whale, should take over its duties. It started to cruise the net today and is now delivering the content of all our web services.
(25. Jul. 2002)
5th Wocoa meeting, Q3-2002
It is Wocoa Pow Wow time again. Those that would like to join the European WebObjects and Cocoa developer community on August 24. in Amsterdam (Netherlands) should read the event details.
(1. Feb. 2002)
4th Wocoa meeting, Q1-2002
The time has come for another Wocoa Pow Wow which will take place on the 23. Feb in Berlin (Germany). To join the European WebObjects and Cocoa developer community please read our Pow Wow info.

(1. Jan. 2002)
DiscountBroking switched to the Euro currency at Entrium
With the beginning of 2002 the Euro currency has fully taken over its primary role, for all financial transactions, in Germany and many other European countries.
For Entrium, one of the leading direct banks in Germany, all it took was the switch of a user default setting, to get its WebObjects frontend ready for the new age.
We trained and supported their development team for more than a year now and are looking forward to see their DiscountBroking grow and prosper.
(30. Dec. 2002)
We moved to the Mulihof
After a long search we finally found the right place for our headquarter. We rented out some space on the beautiful Mulihof, an organic farm and one of the most horse friendly stables in southern Germany. Stierhöfstetten is easy to reach but yet in the middle of nowhere ... just perfect for undisturbed productivity and relaxed creativity.
(2. Dec. 2002)
"Ölwechsel!" published
The Munich based Global Challanges Network just released a new book, written by Dr. Colin Campbell and the energiekrise.de-Team, which briefly describes the situation of oil depletion and how this affects the way in which we should move into the future. The book is written in German and available in the "dtv-Premium" series (Nr 24321)
(25. Sep. 2002)
Free calendars of Solar events
Today we are joining the iCal community by publishing our internal calendars of german and european tradeshows, seminars and other events from the solar economy.
Here you should find most of the interesting dates dealing with topics like solar-, wind-, geothermal- and biomass-energy and technology.Please note that these calendars are mainlintended for the German audience
(23. Sep. 2002)
Germany remains "solar"
The fear of getting back a "nuclear friendly" government is gone. In a very thrilling German election the people confirmed the red-green coalition; but only with a tiny majority.
A little known fact is, that this will leave the power in the hands of a government, that is trying to break out of the "blood-for-oil" trap by taking the leadership in the shift towards a solar economy.
(16. Jun. 2002)
Final oil crisis by 2010
During the "First International Workshop on Oil Depletion" (iwood 2002 in Uppsala) even Matthew Simmons, energy adviser for President Bush, came to the conclusion that: "We need a wake up call. We need it desperately. We need basically a new form of energy"
According to the research of experts like Duncan, Campbell and others, the worlds peak in oil production will be reached by 2010. After that turning point the supply will no longer be able to keep up with the demand. For a mostly unprepared world economy this has to result in a situation that people usually refer to as a crisis.
We do hope, that this "wake up call" will at least reach most governments attending the Johannesburg summit. As highlighted in the excellent Jo'burg memo there are even more reasons for the urgent need to start a radical shift towards a solar econony.