(10. Oct. 2001)
ObjectFarmSpell released for Mac OS X
Mac OS X has a built in spell checker for us-english only. ObjectFarmSpell is based on ispell and provides spell checking for German, Spanish, Italian and French (other languages will follow soon).
(13. Aug. 2001)
FarmersMahJongg released for Mac OS X
With Apples new Objective-C++ compiler we were finally able to port our Cocoa version of FarmersMahJongg to Mac OS X. Enjoy this traditional Chinese tile game.
(26. Jul. 2001)
Third Wocoa meeting
Once again the Wocoa people are getting together. This time the Mac OS X and WebObjects Pow Wow will take place on the 28 of July in Lich (Germany). Need more details?
(8. Apr. 2001)
A new Mano on the desk
It was about time to add a G4 machine to the hardware pool. So now an Apple Cube, our new Mano, is cruisin' the network.

This is a silent replacement for our previous intranet and development server. It makes us wonder how people can live with all that noise which "modern" hardware is still producing.
(14. Feb. 2001)
Second Wocoa meeting
To continue with the idea of establishing a regular European WebObjects and Cocoa developer meeting, we are announcing the second Wocoa Pow Wow.
It will be held on the 24 of February in Dortmund (Germany). To check out the details go here ...
(13. Dec. 2001)
100% solare Selbstversorgung?
Die autarke Versorgung des Hauses, der Region, oder des eigenen Landes mit ausschließlich solaren Energien und Rohstoffen ist ein zentraler Baustein in einer solaren Weltwirtschaft.
Unter welchen Voraussetzungen eine solche Selbstversorgung in Deutschland überhaupt denkbar ist, soll unser Beitrag aufzeigen.
(14. Sep. 2001)
Hello Juliska
Born in July and looking like a Liska (which means "fox" in eastern Europe) has made the search for a name quite easy. This cute little lady will join our Kimba and the other animals as soon she has grown up.
(20. Mar. 2001)
Added another 74600 kWh
Over the past year we invested in another set of wind turbines, where our share sums up to a peak capacity of 65 kW. This means that over an average year we can produce additional 74600 kWh of electricity.
So during the year 2001 the ObjectFarm's team will now be responsible for around 289000 kWh of green energy, which should be enough to satisfy the demand of 72 German families.
(20. Feb. 2001)
Die vermutlich beste Erklärung für BSE
Ein britischer Landwirt und unabhängiger Forscher namens Mark Purdey fand bereits 1988 eine sehr plausible Erklärung für die BSE-Erkrankungen. Seine Theorie ist nicht nur wissenschaftlich schlüssig, sondern könnte auch den Beweis liefern, warum BSE in Biobetrieben nicht auftreten kann.